Corps Awards
117 Preston/Westphal cadets have the opportunity to be awarded special recognition for their accomplishments in leadership, fitness, citizenship, marksmanship, and individual achievements with the corps. These awards are awarded annually and described below.
Top Green Star :
Presented to the best first year cadet. This award is based on attendance and participation in both mandatory and optional training, performance during lectures and activities, and enthusiasm towards the completion of the green star program.
Top Green Star recipients:
1999-2000 - Private Kane, K
2000-2001 - Cadet Downey, C
2001-2002 - Cadet Clayton, K
2002-2003 - Private Finlay, B
2003-2004 - Cadet Ross, J
2004-2005 - Private Clayton, D
2005-2006 - Cadet Robertson, B & Cadet Connor, R
2006-2007 - Cadet Banks. M
2007-2008 - Private Nguyen, V
2008-2009 - Private Honeywell, D
2009-2010 - Cadet Johnson, J, Cadet Todd K, Cadet Crane, B
2010-2011 - Cadet Fowler, M
2011-2012 - Cadet Faught, C
2012-2013 - Cadet MacNeil, M
2013-2014 - Cadet Bell, A
2014-2015 - Cadet Hamilton, D
2015-2016 - Cadet Hill-Lynch, I
2016-2017 - Lance Corporal Brooks, T
2017-2018 - Corporal Hardiman, L
2018-2019 - Corporal Thériault
2019-2020 - Lance Corporal Quinlan, A
2020-2021 - Cadet Leroux, L
2021-2022 - Cadet Cox, Z
2022-2023 - Not Awarded

Top Red Star :
Presented to the best second year cadet. This award is based on attendance and participation in both mandatory and optional training, performance during lectures and activities, and enthusiasm towards the completion of the Red Star Program.
Top Red Star recipients:
1999-2000 - Private Simmons, S
2000-2001 - Private Grant, L
2001-2002 - Corporal Irvine, C
2002-2003 - Corporal Curran, V
2003-2004 - Corporal Robertson, P
2004-2005 - Corporal Lee-Grant, M
2005-2006 - Corporal Clayton, D
2006-2007 - Private Clerk, M
2007-2008 - Corporal MacDonald, M
2008-2009 - Corporal Premeau, A
2009-2010 - Master Corporal Burton, P
2010-2011 - Corporal Crane, B
2011-2012 - Corporal Fowler, M
2012-2013 - Corporal Faught, C
2013-2014 - Lance Corporal Jefferies, G
2014-2015 - Corporal Bell, A
2015-2016 - Corporal Hamilton, D
2016-2017 - Lance Corporal Lalonde, L
2017-2018 - Master Corporal Brooks, T
2018-2019 - Master Corporal Martin, I
2019-2020 - Lance Corporal Brooks Arenburg, H
2020-2021 - Corporal Hatheway, W
2021-2022 - Corporal Thériault, V
2022-2023 - Not Awarded

Top Silver Star :
Presented to the best third year cadet. This award is based on attendance of both mandatory and optional training, leadership ability, instruction, drill, and field training skills, performance during lectures, and enthusiasm towards the completion of the Silver Star Program.
Top Silver Star recipients:
2000-2001 - Sergeant Aalbers, J
2001-2002 - Master Corporal Downey, C
2002-2003 - Master Corporal Irvine, C
2003-2004 - Master Corporal Robertson, J
2004-2005 - Master Corporal Robertson, P
2005-2006 - Master Corporal Ohanaka, C
2006-2007 - Master Corporal Kimball, E
2007-2008 - Master Corporal Clerk, M
2009-2009 - Master Corporal Cuelho, C
2009-2010 - Master Corporal Honeywell, D
2010-2011 - Master Corporal Czernon, E
2011-2012 - Master Corporal Crane, B
2012-2013 - Master Corporal Fowler, M
2013-2014 - Master Corporal Martin, J
2014-2015 - Master Corporal MacNeil, M
2015-2016 - Sergeant Tran, M
2016-2017 - Sergeant Vessey, W
2017-2018 - Sergeant Hill-Lynch, I
2018-2019 - Corporal Hogan, C
2019-2020 - Master Corporal Quinlan, K
2020-2021 - Cadet Ferguson, R
2021-2022 - Sergeant Quinlan, A
2022-2023 - Not Awarded

Top Gold Star :
Presented to the best fourth year cadet. This award is based on attendance of both mandatory and optional training, leadership ability, performance during lectures, performance on various assessments and enthusiasm towards the completion of the Gold Star Program. The cadet must also show great dedication to training, and concern his or her fellow cadets.
Top Gold Star recipients:
2002-2003 - Sergeant Downey, C
2003-2004 - Sergeant Irvine, C
2004-2005 - Master Corporal Jackson, V
2005-2006 - Master Corporal Leblanc, E
2006-2007 - Master Corporal Ohanaka, C
2007-2008 - Sergeant Clayton, D & Sergeant Kimball
2008-2009 - Sergeant Clerk, M
2009-2010 - Sergeant Karsch, C
2010-2011 - Master Corporal McGrath, D
2011-2012 - Sergeant Czernon, E
2012-2023 - Sergeant Bacon, B
2013-2014 - Sergeant Fowler, M
2014-2015 - Sergeant Martin, J
2015-2016 - Not awarded
2016-2017 - Warrant Officer Bell, A
2017-2018 - Not awarded
2017-2018 - Not awarded
2018-2019 - Warrant Officer Hill-Lynch, I
2019-2020 - Sergeant Kerr, K
2020-2021 - Sergeant Roy, E
2021-2022 - Warrant Officer Keith Brown
2022-2023 - Not awarded

Top Master Cadet:
Presented to the best fifth year (or higher) cadet with the highest cumulative NSE points. The cadet must also show great leadership and dedication to training, and concern his or her fellow cadets and subordinates.
Top Master Cadet recipients:
2017-2018 - Master Warrant Officer Hiltz, K
2019-2020 - Chief Warrant Officer Oake, C
2020-2021 - Not Awarded
2021-2022 - Chief Warrant Officer Brooks, T
2022-2023 - Not Awarded
Top Shot (Female) - RETIRED
Presented to the cadet whose superior Marksmanship skills exceeds the standard for the Marksmanship Team. Candidate must have achieved the highest grouping or competition target of all cadets who attended Range night or a competition.
Top Shot Female
2002-2003 - Lance Corporal Finlay, B
2003-2004 - Master Corporal Finlay, B
2004-2005 - Corporal Lee-Grant, M
2005-2006 - Master Corporal Lee-Grant, M
2006-2007 - Sargeant Lee-Grant, M
2007-2008 - Corporal MacDonald, M
2008-2009 - Corporal Nguyen, V
2009-2010 - Master Corporal Primeu, A
2010-2011 - Cadet Todd, K
2011-2012 - Corporal Fowler, M
2012-2013 - Master Corporal Fowler, M
2013-2014 - Sargeant Fowler, M
2014-2015 - Warrant Officer Fowler, M
2015-2016 - Not Awarded
2016-2017 - Lance Corporal Brooks, T
2017-2018 - Master Corporal Brooks, T
2018-2019 - Sergeant Brooks, T
2019-2020 - Not awarded
2020-2021 - RETIRED

Top Shot (Male) - RETIRED
Presented to the cadet whose superior Marksmanship skills exceeds the standard for the Marksmanship Team. Candidate must have achieved the highest grouping or competition target of all cadets who attended Range night or a competition.
Top Shot Male
2002-2003 - Sergeant Downey, C
2003-2004 - Warrant Officer Downey, C
2004-2005 - Chief Warrant Officer Downey, C
2005-2006 - Warrant Officer Robertson, J
2006-2007 - Warrant Officer Robertson, P
2007-2008 - Master Warrant Officer Robertson, P
2008-2009 - Master Warrant Officer Robertson, P
2009-2010 - Cadet Johnson, J
2010-2011 - Lance Corporal Johnson, J
2011-2012 - Master Corporal Crane, B
2012-2013 - Sergeant Bacon, B
2013-2014 - Warrant Officer Bacon, B
2014-2015 - Corporal Bell, A
2015-2016 - Lance Corporal Hill-Lynch, I
2016-2017 - Lance Corporal Lalonde, L
2017-2018 - Master Corporal Hill-Lynch, I
2018-2019 - Sergeant Naugler, A
2019-2020 - Not awarded
2020-2021 - RETIRED

Top Shot (Junior)
Presented to to the junior cadet whose superior Marksmanship skills exceeds the standard for the Marksmanship Team. Candidate must have achieved the highest grouping or competition target of all cadets who attended Range night or a competition.
Top Shot (Jr)
2021-2022 - Corporal Cox, Z
2022-2023 - Corporal Cox, Z
Top Shot (Senior)
Presented to the senior cadet whose superior Marksmanship skills exceeds the standard for the Marksmanship Team. Candidate must have achieved the highest grouping or competition target of all cadets who attended Range night or a competition.
Top Shot (Sr)
2021-2022 - Corporal Brooks Arenburg, H
2022-2023 - Warrant Officer Brooks Arenburg, H
Most Improved Cadet:
Presented annually to the most improved cadet of 117 Preston/Westphal from the previous training year. Considerations include professional development, improvement in personal drill, dress and deportment, and increased dedication to 117 Preston/Westphal RCACC.
Most Improved Cadet recipients:
2002-2003 - Cadet MacRae, D
2003-2004 - Cadet Smith, J
2004-2005 - Private Thomas, K
2005-2006 - Private Gibson, D
2006-2007 - Private Livingstone, R
2007-2008 - Private Tasco, C
2008-2009 - Corporal Barrett, J
2009-2010 - Corporal Latter, A
2010-2011 - Sergeat Clayton, D
2011-2012 - Corporal Young, C
2012-2013 - Sergeant MacDonald, M
2013-2014 - Cadet Bell, A
2014-2015 - Not awarded
2015-2016 - Warrant Edmonds, T
2016-2017 - Lance Corporal Naugler, A
2017-2018 - Master Corporal Urquhart, E
2018-2019 - Master Corporal Quinlan, K
2019-2020 - Corporal Northrop, J
2020-2021 - Corporal Hatheway, W
2021-2022 - Warrant Officer Brooks Arenburg, H
2022-2023 - Not awarded

Best Attendance:
Presented to the cadet who attended 100% of the training year. Should no cadet have perfect attendance, then only those who have attended at least 90% of ALL MANDATORY training will be considered.
Best Attendance
2002-2003 - MCpl Irvine, C
2003-2004 - Cadet Doucette, C & Cadet Lee-Grant, M
2004-2005 - Cpl Carroll, N
2005-2006 - MCpl Fountain, N & MCpl Thomas, K
2006-2007 - Pte Clerk, M
2007-2008 - Pte Primeau, A & Cadet Snyder, S
2008-2009 - Sgt Clerk, M
2009-2010 - MCpl Honeywell, D
2010-2011 - Pte Karsch, K; Pte Bacon B, MCpl Burton, P
2011-2012 - MCpl Bacon, B
2021-2013 - Not awarded
2013-2014 - WO Bacon, B & WO Karsch, K
2014-2015 - Cpl Bell, A
2015-2016 - LCpl Wesley, R
2016-2017 - LCpl Duguay, R & L/Cpl Levy, D
2017-2018 - MCpl Naugler, A & Cpl Quinlan, K
2018-2019 - Sergeant Brooks, T
2019-2020 - MCpl Quinlan, K
2020-2021 - Cdt Ferguson, R
2021-2022 - Corporal Cox, Z
2022-2023 - Corporal Cox, Z

Top Junior Cadet:
Presented to the cadet who is deemed to be the best overall junior cadet of the corps (Silver Star and below). To be eligible, a cadet must show exemplary concern for both superiors and subordinates, demonstrate above average leadership abilities, and be well respected by each member of 117 Preston/Westphal RCACC.
Top Junior Cadet Recipients:
2015-2016 - Master Corporal Tran, M
2016-2017 - Master Corporal Hill-Lynch, I
2017-2018 - Master Corporal Urquhart, E
2018-2019 - Sergeant Brooks, T
2019-2020 - Corporal Brown, K
2020-2021 - Corporal Brooks Arenburg, H
2021-2022 - Corporal Hatheway, W
2022-2023 - Cadet Ferron, G
Top Senior Cadet:
Presented to the cadet who is deemed to be the best overall senior cadet of the corps (Gold Star and above). To be eligible, a cadet must show exemplary concern for both superiors and subordinates, demonstrate above average leadership abilities, and be well respected by each member of 117 Preston/Westphal RCACC.
Top Senior Cadet recipients:
2015-2016 - MWO Karsch, K
2016-2017 - Warrant Officer Tran, M
2017-2018 - Master Warrant Officer Bell, A
2018-2019 - Master Warrant Officer Oake, C
2019-2020 - Sergeant Brooks, T
2020-2021 - Warrant Officer Roy, E
2021-2022 - Warrant Officer Kerr, K
2022-2023 - Sergeant Quinlan, A
Brigadier General James "Jim" Bruce Memorial Award:
Established by Captain Danielle Hargreaves, Former CO of 117 Preston/Westphal RCACC in memory of the late BGEN James “Jim” Bruce, past Honorary Colonel of the Princess Louise Fusiliers and Army Cadet League Representative to 117 RCACC. This award is presented to the cadet who distinguishes themselves through their outstanding service to the corps. The recipient must display the utmost dedication and effort in providing service to the overall corps. They must also demonstrate strong persistence in completing their duties and they put the corps’ wellbeing above their own.
BGen James "Jim" Bruce Memorial Award recipients:
2021-2022 - Warrant Officer Quinlan, K
2022-2023 - Chief Warrant Officer Kerr, K
Parade Commander:
Cadet must act as the Regimental Sergeant Major (Parade Commander) for the Annual Ceremonial Review.
Parade Commander recipients:
2002-2003 - Warrant Officer Provo, C
2003-2004 - Chief Warrant Officer Provo, C
2004-2005 - Chief Warrant Officer Downey, C
2005-2006 - Chief Warrant Officer Irvine, C
2006-2007 - Chief Warrant Officer Robertson, J
2007-2008 - Chief Warrant Officer Curran, V
2008-2009 - Chief Warrant Officer Robertson, P
2009-2010 - Chief Warrant Officer Clayton, D
2010-2011 - Chief Warrant Officer Clerk, M
2011-2012 - Chief Warrant Officer Clerk, M
2012-2013 - Chief Warrant Officer Burton, P
2013-2014 - Chief Warrant Officer Burton, P
2014-2015 - Chief Warrant Officer Bacon, B
2015-2016 - Chief Warrant Officer Bacon, B
2016-2017 - Warrant Officer Tran, M
2017-2018 - Master Warrant Officer Bell, A
2019-2020 - Not awarded
2020-2021 - Not awarded
2021-2022 - Chief Warrant Officer Brooks, T
2022-2023 - Chief Warrant Officer Kerr, K