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Training Officer

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Captain Elizabeth Connors

Captain Elizabeth Connors joined 117 during the 2020-2021 training year as the assistant technical services officer. She first became involved in the cadet program as an air cadet at 29 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Sydney, Nova Scotia. She then went on to volunteer as a civilian instructor with 529 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Spryfield from 2013 to 2015 before joining the Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) as an air officer in 2015. Capt Connors spent two summers as adult staff in the aviation department at the Greenwood Cadet Training Centre (CTC).

After moving to Alberta in 2015, Capt Connors joined the staff of 2296 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps and quickly became interested in the expedition aspect of the army cadet program and therefore transferred into the army element of the CIC. Since then, Capt Connors has completed the flat water canoe instructor course, mountain bike instructor course, and the expedition team leader course. She has also spent two summers at the Rocky Mountain CTC as an assistant platoon commander with the Leadership and Challenge Course and one summer as a platoon commander at the Whitehorse CTC with the Expedition Instructor course. Capt Connors has also had the opportunity to work as an expedition team leader on many gold and silver star expedition weekends both in Nova Scotia and Alberta, as an expedition team leader on the Yukon Paddle Regional Expedition, and to staff the cadet contingent on the Maple Resolve exercise.

As a cadet, Capt Connors was actively involved in both the cadet and civilian biathlon programs as a competitor. She has continued to work with the biathlon program as both a coach and an official at the zone and provincial levels. Capt Connors has also coached cadets in marksmanship at the zone level and has completed the air rifle range safety officer (RSO) course.


Capt Connors holds a Master of Science in Physiotherapy degree and a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. In her civilian job, she is employed as a physiotherapist.

© 2023 117 Corps Support Committee (of the Army Cadet League of Nova Scotia). This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 117 Preston / Westphal Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff, and Local Committee. The objective is to provide basic information about the function of the corps and to inform cadets, parents, and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place

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